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Integration - Abacus POS

Overview of Zeemart's integration with Abacus POS

Updated over a week ago

Applicable to: Buyer Hub

Zeemart currently supports Abacus POS integration via Buyer Hub. To set up the integration, please contact one of our team members.

Once your connection has been set up, you can head over to the ‘Outlets’ tab on the Buyer Hub to begin mapping the products from the POS to the inventory items or recipes on Zeemart.

Mapping POS products

  1. On the outlet, click Actions and select Manage integrations.

  2. Under the Integrations tab, click Configure.

  3. The mapping interface is divided into 2 areas. The left-hand side shows products listed on Abacus POS and on the right-hand side is where you select the items, recipes, and sub recipes in Zeemart to map to the POS product.

    Select a POS product or variant on the left-hand side. You can also search for a particular product in the search field.

    The ‘Unmapped’ status means the product hasn’t been mapped. ‘Mapped’ means the product has been mapped.

    You can use the 'Mapped’ and ‘Unmapped’ filters to filter the list of items here.

  4. When there is a Product or Variant selected, the system automatically pre-fills the Product/Variant name in the search field on the right-hand side.

  5. A matching result will appear on the right-hand side. You can select the Ignore mapping button if the product/variant does not need a mapping, for example, if in the menu the main product is Hamburger and the product variant is a promotion, the variant will not need to be mapped to anything.

    If there are matching items or recipes on the right-hand side, select one of them and it will expand to show more details, showing the recipe ingredients along with the food cost. You can adjust the quantity of the mapping by entering a different amount next to the selected item/recipe name.

  6. Click the Map button at the bottom to confirm the mapping.

    You can see whether you have mapped the correct item by checking the food cost margin that is shown as a percentage number. This number is generated from calculating food cost in the recipe and menu retail price in the POS. The food cost is based on the Recipe portion number.

  7. A confirmation appears once you've mapped a product.

Unmapping POS products

To modify or unmap a mapping, you can click ‘Unmap’ at the bottom of the page. If you disable the mapping, automatic stock depletion in inventory won’t function, and the displayed stock ‘on hand’ won’t be correct.

  1. Click Unmap. A popup confirmation will appear.

  2. Select Yes. The product will be unmapped and a toast indicating successful unmapping will appear.

Mapping variants used with multiple POS products

This feature works when your product has a product variant that is also found in multiple products. Using this feature, you can apply the same variant mapping to multiple products at once.


The main product is Cappuccino. Cappuccino has several product variants and one of them isCoffee Add-on > Add shot”.

Besides Cappuccino, other products that use the same product variant are Flat White, Latte, Long Black, Espresso.

Now, we want to map Coffee Add-on > Add shot” with an inventory item or a recipe and do this once for all instances of the variant linked to Cappuccino, Flat White, Latte, Long Black, Espresso.

  1. Select a product variant.

  2. Select the item on the right-hand side until the card appears expanded. A label "Also apply to X products..." will appear with a number showing the number of products also using the same variant.

  3. Click the blue link on the label to open the Copy mapping settings window. This window lists all the products using the same variant. Select the products to apply the same mapping, or you can also click Select all.

  4. Once you are done, click Save.

  5. A confirmation message with the number of items and products mapped will appear at the top of the screen.

  6. To change the settings again after applying the mapping, you must Unmap first (see above).

Syncing wastage records from POS

When you record wastages using Abacus, we'll automatically create the same data in Zeemart as an adjustment. It will appear in Zeemart with a note to indicate the source of this data.

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