Applicable to:
If you have a promo code, you can apply it when reviewing your draft order.
1) iOS, Android
Start a new order. In the review screen, scroll down all the way to the bottom where you see the estimated subtotal. Tap the Use promo code button below it.
2. Type a promo code in the 'Promo codes' screen, then press Search. If there is an active promo code matching what you typed, it will appear below it. To apply it to the order, tap Use promo.
3. The promo code is now applied. To remove it, press the 'X' button next to the code.
2) Buyer Hub
1. Start a new order. In the review screen, look at the bottom of the page where you see the estimated subtotal - tap the Use promo code button below it.
2. Type a promo code in the 'Promo code' screen, then click Apply. If there is an active promo code matching what you typed, it will be applied directly to the order.
3. The promo code is now applied. To remove it, press the 'X' button next to the code.