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Exporting data to Quickbooks Online (QBO)

Connect with QBO to export your data

Updated over 4 months ago

Applicable to: Buyer Hub
​Accessible by: Admin users

In order to export documents such as invoices to Quickbooks Online (QBO), you need to first connect your QBO account to Zeemart.

Setting up integration with Quickbooks Online

1. Log on to the Buyer Hub desktop panel.

2. Click on your username at the top right corner of the page and select Companies.

3. Click the Actions button next to a company and select Manage integration.
​Note: Each company can only integrate with a single accounting software (i.e. either Xero or Quickbooks).

4. Select Connect next to the Quickbooks Online icon.

5. If you're not already logged in to QBO, you will be asked to log in to your Intuit (Quickbooks Online) account.

6. After logging in, you are asked to confirm that you'll want to connect Zeemart with your QBO account. Select Connect.

7. You will then be redirected back to Zeemart. By default, you will be seeing the Supplier mapping tab.

The leftmost column shows the suppliers you have on Zeemart, while the other three columns are information from QBO. The options displayed in the Category column are the Chart of accounts in QBO, while the options in the Tax code column are based on the rates found in QBO (Tax > Edit GST > Edit rates).

Click Save once you're done.

8. You can also map the expense categories on Zeemart to Categories on QBO. This mapping (if any) will apply per item (not the entire document) and overrides the supplier mapping in documents exported to QBO. Click Save once you're done.

9. To map the outlets/locations on Zeemart with the tracking classes or Locations you've set up on QBO, select the Data mapping tab.

Note: If you did not set up Tracking classes or Locations on QBO beforehand, the respective columns on the Data mapping tab would be empty. Class and Location tracking features on QBO are only available for QBO users on the Online Plus plan.

9. Click Save when done.

Exporting invoices

1. On the Buyer Hub, select Invoices from the side navigation and ensure you are in the Invoices tab.

2. To export invoices one by one, click on the Export button next to the invoice in the list.

3. You can also multi-select invoices using the checkbox button and select Export to accounting system button at the top of the list.

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