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Creating Goods Received Note (GRN)

Record in details what, and how much of your order was received

Updated over 4 months ago

Applicable to: Buyer app (iOS and Android)

Note: The GRN feature is currently only accessible using the mobile app. Buyer Hub users can only mark orders as Received (no line item details).

With this feature, for every order you can:

  • record what items you actually received, including items not in your market list

  • what the quantity received was

  • when it was received, and

  • upload the invoice you received for that order

How to use

You will see the GRN screen when you tap 'Receive' on the order details page.

When the GRN screen is loaded, you will see all the items from the order and these options:

(1) Receiving date - can be changed to another date by tapping it

(2) Select all - quickly select all items in the list below

(3) Checkbox - to select/deselect line items individually

(4) Line item - tap to modify the quantity received

(5) Add more - add other items from the market list, or custom line items

(6) Delivery problems: Reason - add details of any issues with the delivery

(7) Delivery problems: Notify supplier - send a copy of the GRN to the supplier in case you need to notify them of incomplete deliveries

(8) Upload invoice - if you have the invoice with you, you can upload it here (optional)

(9) Reference orders - view/edit the orders related to this GRN. By default, all orders to the same supplier with the same delivery date are considered to be linked to one another. Tap this button to modify the reference orders for this GRN.

Select or remove items

To include an item in the GRN, you must select it, either by selecting the checkbox or using the Select all button.

To exclude items from the GRN, you can do any of these:

  • do not select the item

  • swipe the line item, and tap the Trash icon to delete (see image below)

  • tap the line item, and select Remove

Excluded items will not appear in the saved GRN.

Change received quantity

By default, the quantity in the order will be displayed on the GRN screen. To edit the quantity, tap the line item and enter the quantity you received.

Adding items from market list or custom items

If the delivery contains items you did not order (eg. replacement items), you can add it to the GRN by selecting Add more, which will open a list of all the items in your market list.

If the item is not in your market list, tap Can't find the item? to add a custom line item. You'll be asked to enter its name and the quantity received.

Noting down issues with the delivery

While creating the GRN, we've made it easy for you to note down any delivery issues by selecting from a list of common problems.

To do this, enable the Select reason(s) toggle under Problems with the delivery? section and choose at least one option.

The option(s) you selected here will be reflected on the GRN details page and in the PDF, as well as the email sent to the supplier if you've also selected to Notify supplier via email.

Ready to save this GRN?

If all the details are correct, and you have selected at least 1 item, you can save the GRN by tapping the Save button at the bottom.

The order details page will be updated with a Received status, and the link to the saved GRN will appear just before the line items.

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