Ordering with the multi-cart checkout

How to place orders to multiple suppliers in one order session?

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Written by Zeemart Ops Team
Updated over a week ago

Applicable to: iOS, Android

What is a multi-cart checkout?

A multi-cart checkout is a feature that allows you to place orders to multiple suppliers within one order session. This feature is available when you add items from different suppliers to your ordering list.

In your "Review Order" screen:

Select the orders you want to place by checking on the square box next to your supplier’s name.

Do take note of the following: 

1. Ensure that the MOV of your suppliers are met, in order to have your orders successfully placed.

2. The MOV errors are indicated by the icon with the yellow exclamation mark at the multi-cart checkout screen. Orders that do not meet the MOV can still be placed, but suppliers may either reject your order or charge a delivery fee to fulfil your order. 

3. Tapping on the ‘Order summary’ at the bottom left of the screen will allow you to have a concise breakdown of your orders with their respective delivery dates and value.

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